Week #2

September 22, 2018

Hi miRcorers!

We had the first official miRcore meeting of 2019 today. Thank you to all the students and parents for coming!

We went over the values and goals of miRcore and started introducing everyone through a few short games of two truths and a lie. As the students got to know each other, Dr. Lee had a separate meeting with all the parents. As a group, Dr. Lee went over our main goal of changing the world through democratizing medicine. Our disease  of focus for this year is pancreatic cancer. Students who attended the meeting began researching general information about pancreatic cancer in temporary research groups.

For all GIDAS leaders: Eleanor Lin will be leading an informational GIDAS workshop through an online video call meeting. If you would like to be a part of this, please respond to the poll so that she can decide what date to hold the workshop. Here is the link: https://goo.gl/forms/Rpbb8ilesNU4GAsm2


Thank you once again for your participation and commitment!





Posted in Uncategorized by Catherina Lu

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