

UofM Public Engagement & Impact     2022

MICDE Collaboration with miRcore 

Featured Scientist         January, 2016

The Author’s Take: Marianne Cowherd

the communicator        February 19, 2014

A Bright Future

The Ann Arbor News        April 7, 2013

Ann Arbor high school students raise money for genetic research

Genome web Gene Silencing News        June 16, 2011

With Technology Developed at UM, Non-Profit MiRcore Provides miRNA Research Support

-Peer-reviewed Publications-

miRcore Methodology Papers

H. Kabat, L. Tunkle, and I. Lee*.   ceRNA Search Method Identified a MET-activated Subgroup Among EGFR DNA Amplified Lung Adenocarcinoma Patients. Pacific Symposium on Biocomputing  22, 438-448 (2017).   [H. Kabat and L. Tunkle are high school students and equally contributed.]

S. S. Ajay, B. D. Athey, and I. Lee*.   Unified Translation Repression Mechanism for MicroRNAs and Upstream AUGsBMC Genomics  11, 155 (2010).   [PMC284222251]

I. Lee*, S. S. Ajay, J. I. Yook, H. S. Kim, S. H. Hong, S. M. Dhanasekaran, A. M. Chinnaiyan, and B. D. Athey.   New Class of MicroRNA Targets Containing Simultaneous 5’-UTR and 3’-UTR Interaction Sites. Genome Research  19, 1175-1183 (2009).   [PMC2704433]    [Featured in Research Highlight of Nature Reviews Genetics 10, 284 (2009)]

I. Lee*, S. S. Ajay, H. Chen, A. Maruyama, N. Wang, M. G. McInnis, and B. D. Athey.   Discriminating single-base difference miRNA expressions using microarray Probe Design Guru (ProDeG). Nucleic Acids Research  36, e27 (2008).   [PMC2275156]

I. Lee*, A. A. Dombkowski, and B. D. Athey.   Guidelines for incorporating non-perfectly matched oligonucleotides into target-specific hybridization probes for a DNA microarray. Nucleic Acids Research  32, 681-690 (2004). [PMID: 14757833]

miRcore Disease Research Papers

V. Chu and I. Lee*.   MicroRNA target signatures in advanced stage neuroblastoma, Nuroblastoma-Present and Future, Hiroyuki Shimada (Ed.), ISBN:978-953-307-016-2, InTech (2012).

Contributed as Community Research Collaborators

Eduati, L.M. Mangravite, T. Wang, H. Tang, R. Huang, T. Norman, M. Kellen, M.P. Menden, J. Yang, X. Zhan, R. Zhong, G. Xiao, M. Xia, N. Abdo, O. Kosyk, NIEHS-NCATS-UNC DREAM Toxicogenetics Collaboration*, S. Friend, A. Dearry, A. Simeonov, R.R. Tice, I. Rusyn, F.A. Wright, G. Stolovitzky, Y. Xie, J. Saez-Rodriguez. Prediction of Human population responses to toxic compounds by a collaborative competition. Nature Biotechnology 33, 933-40 (2015). *collaborative efforts with two high schoolers, J. Chang and M. Cowherd (individual names in the Collaborators section)

High School Student Research Papers

Transcriptional Regulators are Upregulated in the Substantia Nigra of Parkinson’s Disease Patients.   Marianne Cowherd(1) and Inhan Lee*: (1)Community High School, Ann Arbor, MI. Journal of Emerging Investigators, November (2015).

Activated NF-κB Pathway in an Irf6-Deficient Mouse Model for Van der Woude Syndrome.   Sanika S. Kulkarni(1), Jungwoo Chang(2), and Inhan Lee*: (1) Pioneer High School, (2) Huron High School, Ann Arbor, MI. Journal of Emerging Investigators, September (2015).

*corresponding author

Collaborator-initiated Research Papers

Kim, J., Kang, S. M., Oh, S. Y., Kang, S. H., Lee, I., Hwang, J. C., Lee, H. J., Choi, S. Y., Hong, S. H. Early growth response 1-dependent downregulation of matrix metalloproteinase 9 and mouse double minute 2 attenuates head and neck squamous cell carcinoma metastasis. Cell Physiol biochem 50: 1869-1881 (2018).

J.-H. Ahn, H.-S. Lee, J.-S. Lee, Y.-S. Lee, J.-L. Park, S.-Y. Kim, J.-A. Hwang, N. Kunkeaw, S. Y. Jung, T. J. Kim, K.-S. Lee, S. H. Jeon, I. Lee, B. H. Johnson, J.-H. Choi, Y. S. Lee. nc886 is induced by TGF-β and suppresses the microRNA pathway in ovarian cancer. Nature communications 9, 1166 (2018).

Zhou, S. Liu, Y. Chen, Y. Fu, A. J. Silver, M. S. Hill, I. Lee, Y. S. Lee, and X. Bao. Identification of two novel functional tRNA-derived fragments induced in response to respiratory syncytial virus infection. J General Virology 98, 1600-1610 (2017).

Y. Fu, I. Lee, Y. S. Lee and X. Bao.   Small Non-coding Transfer RNA-derived RNA Fragments (tRFs): Their Biogenesis, Function and Implication in Human Diseases. Genomics & Informatics  13, 94-101 (2015).

D. Junfang, R. N. Ptashkin, Q. Wang, G. Liu, G. Zhang, I. Lee, Y. S. Lee, and X. Bao.   Human Metapneumovirus Infection Induces Significant Changes in Small Noncoding RNA Expression in Airway Epithelial Cells. Molecular Therapy Nucleic Acids  3, e163 (2014).

N. H. Kim, Y. H. Cha, S. E. Kang, Y. M. Lee, I. Lee, S. Y. Cha, J. K. Ryu, J. M. Na, C. Park, H.-G. Yoon, J. I. Yook, and H. S. Kim.   p53 regulates nuclear GSK-3 levels through miR-34-mediated Axin2 suppression in colorectal cancer cells. Cell Cycle  12, 1578-1587 (2013).

B. Gong, Y. S. Lee, I. Lee, T. R. Shelite, N. Kunkeaw, G. Xu, K. Lee, S. H. Jeon, B. H. Johnson, Q. Chang, T. Ha, N. L. Mendell, X. Cheng, D. H. Bouyer, P. J. Boor, T. G. Ksiazek, D. H. Walker.   Compartmentalized, functional role of angiogenin during spotted fever group rickettsia-induced endothelial barrier dysfunction: evidence of possible mediation by host tRNA-derived small noncoding RNAs. BMC Infectious Disease  13, 285 (2013).

Q. Wang, I. Lee**, J. Ren, S. S. Ajay, Y. S. Lee, and X. Bao.   Identification and functional characterization of tRNA-derived RNA fragments (tRFs) in respiratory syncytial virus infection. Molecular Therapy  21, 368-379 (2013).  **co-first author

Y. H. Cha, N. H. Kim, C. Park, I. Lee, H. S. Kim, and J. I. Yook.   miRNA-34 is an intrinsic linker between p53 tumor supporessor and Wnt signaling. Cell Cycle  11, 1273-1281 (2012).

K.-H. Lee, I. Lee, J. R. Baker, Jr., and M. M. B. Holl.   Effect of pH and generation on structural properties of polyamidoamine dendrons studied by molecular dynamics simulations. Journal of Computational and Theretical Nanoscience  9, 127-136 (2012).

N. H. Kim, H. S. Kim, N.-G. Kim, I. Lee, H.-S. Choi, X.-Y. Li, S. E. Kang, S. Y. Cha, J. K. Ryu, J. M. Na, C. Park, K. Kim, S. Lee, B. M. Gumbiner, J. I. Yook, and S. J. Weiss.   p53 and MicroRNA-34 Are Suppressors of Canonical Wnt Signaling. Science Signaling  4(197), p. ra71 (2011).

N. H. Kim, H. S. Kim, X.-Y. Li, I. Lee, H.-S. Choi, S. E. Kang, S. Y. Cha, J. K. Ryu, D. Yoon, E. R. Fearon, R. G. Rowe, S. Lee, C. A. Maher, S. J. Weiss, and J. I. Yook.   A p53/miRNA-34 axis regulates Snail1-dependent cancer cell epithelial-mesenchymal transition. The Journal of Cell Biology  195, 417-433 (2011).

K. Lee, N. Kunkeaw, S. H. Jeon, I. Lee, B. H. Johnson, G. Y. Kang, G.Y., Bang, J.Y., Park, H.S., Leelayuwat, C., and Lee, Y.S.   Precursor miR-886, a novel noncoding RNA repressed in cancer, associates with PKR and modulates its activity. RNA  17, 1076-1089 (2011). [PMID: 21518807]