2019 Summer Camps

Computational Biology Research Camps for High School Students


INTENDED AUDIENCE: Current high school and incoming 9th grade students interested in computer, math, biology, and medicine.


  1. To expose high school students to career opportunities in biomedicine through hands-on experience in computational genomics and prepare them for the emerging era of medical genomics, when all doctors must be well-acquainted with genetic discoveries, technologies, and applications.
  2. Give research opportunities to high school students beyond the school setting.
  3. Identify potential GIDAS (Genes In Diseases And Symptoms) club leaders at their schools (eligibility: completion of CB camps offered in CA, GA, and MI).
Our flagship CB camp introduces ninth through twelfth graders to genomic research using computers. Working in small collaborative groups, students will learn to identify disease biomarkers by analyzing patient RNA expression data using the GEO database. They then research signaling pathways related to the biomarkers they have found.
For all UM camps & Scripps Summer Camp: Thank you for your interest in the program. We are currently full and additional application will go on the wait list.
This camp is designed to serve as a starting point for ongoing research. Successful completion with a certificate qualifies students to participate in the miRcore volunteer program (MVP), which guides students in developing research and leadership skills, with an emphasis on community service. MVP runs throughout the school year, determining a disease of focus of the year, collaborating with similar level students to research the disease, and leading a school club GIDAS (Genes in Diseases and Symptoms). Out-of-state students can join the volunteer meetings through an online meeting platform.

Here are the various summer camps (all college-level research) that we offer:


miRcore’s Computational Biology Summer Camp will be held on the Georgia Institue of Technology Campus.

Atlanta CB Camp

Current Year: May 28-31 2019


Sponsored by the University of Michigan, WISE (Women in Science and Engineering) and MICDE (Michigan Institute for Computational Discovery and Engineering), miRcore’s three research camps will be held on the University of Michigan Campus.

Computational Biology Camp

Current Year: We are currently full and additional application will go on the wait list.

Session 1: June 17-21 2019 (current high school students only)

Session 2: July 8-12, 2019 (incoming 9th grade and above)

R Research Programming Camp

Current Year: July 15-19, 2019  We are currently full and additional application will go on the wait list.

Biotechnology Summer Camp

Current Year: June 24-28, 2019 We are currently full and additional application will go on the wait list.


Sponsored by the Scripps Research Translational Institute, miRcore’s two-week research camp will be held on the Scripps Campus.

Scripps Summer Camp

Current Year: We are currently full and additional application will go on the wait list.

Week 1 (Computational Biology): July 29-August 2, 2019

Week 2 (R Programming): August 5-9, 2019

Computational biology summer camp 2016 slide5

R summer camp 2016 slide4

biotechnology summer camp 2016 slide7

Scripps Summer Camp 2016 slide11



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